HOT MEALS FOR NEEDY CHILDREN INC will engage for 2025 in building school Cafeterias that Engage and Inspire where Needy Children in the world will create a great complaisant and living environment.

Those School cafeterias will represent a key design opportunity, where students will spend a portion of every school day with joy and happiness.

As a hub where students come together, which could be fundamental in helping to build a sense of community. Besides serving meals, cafeterias can fill a variety of other roles as well, such as doubling as a “learning commons” where students gather to study or socialize—or transforming into a banquet hall for hosting dances and community events.

Achieving these desired outcomes relies on having an effective design. With the right design, the school cafeteria will engage and inspire students.

Look to the places students like to hang out for inspiration.

Think about where students like to spend their time after school: a coffee shop, a café, a food court at the mall. Aside from offering a tasty snack or beverage, these places also create a warm and welcoming atmosphere, a vibe that says: “Come in, sit down and relax with friends.”

By taking inspiration from the places students like to congregate, we will turn the cafeteria into a modern hub where students connect with each other—and with their school and state of the art kitchen.

We will offer seating options that can accommodate different group sizes. Include larger tables that can seat 10 to 12 people, which are well suited for hosting functions, as well as tables or booths that can seat smaller, more intimate groups of two to four students—so that students can interact with their close friends in a more relaxed manner.

Consider offering a variety of heights as well. Taller bistro tables and stools give students additional options for sitting comfortably and eating/study counters that run along the length of a wall or around a support column are also becoming popular. Students can use these spaces to set up their laptops and eat while they work.

Activate your membership today to be part and support of this great innovation that we will have in all third world countries started with the most vulnerable countries like South America and the Caribbean and Africa. Without your active membership, this project will be impossible.

Hot Meals for needy children is a 501(c)3 charity exemption organization under EIN: 32-0117978.
HOT MEALS FOR NEEDY CHILDREN INC. is a 501(C)(3) tax – exempt organization number 32-
0117978. Donations and Contributions are Tax deductible as per the Internal Revenue code.
HOT MEALS FOR NEEDY CHILDREN created in May 24, 2004
1805 Flatbush Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11210
Tel: 516-373-9303
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